Scattered ideas and thoughts...

I am currently writing the adventure for the quickstart book and since I have no major updates, I just leave some thoughts on several topics I ran during the last two weeks. Needless to say, the first topic is Morality! Wow, another great finding: I have to thank my friend Catacomb Librarian who unearthed a post here : another fellow came to a very close concept and definition of Morality I had! Basically, Morality has to be a stat in order to have the proper importance within a framework of rules. In addition, it can modify according to the player's choices and it affects some rules in the game mechanics! This is really outstanding if I think to the solution I had in VI·VIII·X! Second point is that I started a topic in a community asking a very simple question: "What would you expect in terms of gaming materials and support to play a new RPG?" I got only a couple of answers but some brilliant point were outlined: the first one is that I should think to add to the setting...