
Showing posts from November, 2022

One millimeter makes the difference

I probably took too much time for the final revision of the Core Rules and now I deserve an unpleasant surprise. I did finish the book with layout and artworks and uploaded it on the DrivethruRPG platform on Nov.11th. I previously did this operation for the other supplements and this step used to take a couple of days only... This time, likely due to external reasons (don't know why exactly), the approval process lasted more than 10 days. If we consider that the overall process is not ended as it is necessary to order a proof of print before going live, this definitely means one month more or less (printing and shipping usually take 3 weeks). Yesterday I got the feedback after more than 10 days on the Core Rules: the book was rejected as there was a part of text exceeding safety printing margins on the cover... Two comments on this: firstly, I was contrary on placing the usual 'blurb' on the back cover until the very end but a couple of days before the conclusion of the rev

Playtest brainstorming

I thought during the last week how a playtest should be managed, being a complete neophyte on this topic. I made the usual error: I started searching the web… then I got to the point that I do not need to worry if and what are the standards. I only have to keep in mind these golden rules to be constantly applied to every phase of the playtest: Any activity should be useful, if not enjoyable, to the eyes of the GM who actively participate to the playtest I need to make any experience of the playtesters somehow interesting so that they can join the playtest I want to keep a KISS approach and not invent any complicate solution which could bring to a complicate failure In this sense, the first question is the effort required to any playtester. Then, the way to communicate and to let any other playtester to be aware of these inputs. Lastly the ‘reason why’ a GM should have in order to join the playtesters group. The answer to the first question is as few as possible with a minimum of a mont

A matter of time...

Done! The work is done and delivered: last week I uploaded the files for both printed and digital versions on DrivethruRPG. Now I have to wait to receive the printed proof of them... There is nothing or little I can do so far... I had been busy with the usual daily business and the completion of the Core Rules. Now it is only a matter of time before opening the store on Drivethru and start doing some marketing activities. I haven't been posting for weeks due to this reason and it will likely pass another similar timing before I can see my work in my hands. I have now time to revise again any idea on how to run the playtest, where to post news/ad for the game and so on... prepare the 'battlefield' in other words! The only activity I did was to add another main page on this website called " Friends " to fix once for all everyone helped me in this journey... being a nearly zero budget project the most important aspect from my side is to remember again who, on a purel