
Showing posts from March, 2023

Changing of the guard

After one year and a couple of weeks of life of this blog, I decided to move the pages of my game on a different platform. This doesn't mean I was not happy with the current set-up, I just want to see if a new tool works better in terms of communication compared to the 'old' blog pages. This page won't be in any case deleted, I will keep it still up for historical and affective reasons! The new page of VI·VIII·X KUP RPG is the following one: You can join it and subscribe: you can still read it as a blog and, by subscribing, you will get any update as a newsletter. This is truly effective to my eyes! See you on the other page! Ciaoo

Inspirational sources for the VI·VII·X game

This post is fully dedicated to the bibliography I left at the end of the VI·VII·X core rules. I find honest to quote all the marvelous works here and provide with some details about the reasons of the ‘influence’ they have in the game. Let us start then: ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ (by D.Arneson and G.Gygax, any edition from the one of 1974 up to the Rules Cyclopedia): well there's not that much to add for D&D; it is the first, the most used and most known; the authors had a simple and genial idea (regardless to who in detail made what for the game); I’d also like to remember Dave Wesley, the man who provided with flint and tinder the two authors; there’s another detail worth to be mentioned about D&D: in some communities where I presented the game I was criticized by the fact that I made up a new RPG relying mainly on the knowledge of D&D or similar games… well, what I miss behind this thought is what would be the added value to know the largest possible number of RPGs:

Serious thoughts on exciting news from our hobby

Last week I found a very interesting topic on board of an RPG community: a very skilled guy, Vladar, managed to create a full adventure module with AI text generation. This is absolutely outstanding to my eyes! I will report nor the topic neither the tools used for such a great achievement. I left my congrats to the fellow in the topic where he wrote about his job. I find in any case fair and honest to link the final output so that everyone can assess the quality of the output:  Castle of GPT . This piece of news left me with opposing feelings: from one side there is regard towards Vladar for the success of his work; on the other side I feel uncomfortable with the development the AI is having. Let’s first talk about the ‘sunny’ side of the story. The great achievement is a fact, beyond any reasonable doubt: this work confirms that in the future the industry will benefit of this very advanced technology and this is, needless to say, a high-potential option for the whole community of GMs

Tool for pregenerated characters

While writing the quickstart, I came to a point where I had the need of a support in the creation of a character, be it playing or non-playing one! This need was simply a consequence of the module I am almost done for the quickstart: in it both PCs and NPCs should be prepared and the most effective solution was to build up a tool to generate a character 'on the fly'. Being quite skilled with Excel, I prepared first a tool for the generation of a single character. That helped me in preparing the 4 PCs for the adventure.  After that I modified it in order to have a group of NPCs (from 1 to 4) done with the same logic... the limit for this second version was that the group should have got the same career: that was in line with the adventure since I had to create a group of 4 men-at-arms and a group of 4 clerics... easy peasy! At that stage I found a good idea to provide the friend who is running the playtest with this file... he was happy to see such a support! But at that stage I