One millimeter makes the difference

I probably took too much time for the final revision of the Core Rules and now I deserve an unpleasant surprise. I did finish the book with layout and artworks and uploaded it on the DrivethruRPG platform on Nov.11th. I previously did this operation for the other supplements and this step used to take a couple of days only... This time, likely due to external reasons (don't know why exactly), the approval process lasted more than 10 days.

If we consider that the overall process is not ended as it is necessary to order a proof of print before going live, this definitely means one month more or less (printing and shipping usually take 3 weeks).

Yesterday I got the feedback after more than 10 days on the Core Rules: the book was rejected as there was a part of text exceeding safety printing margins on the cover... Two comments on this: firstly, I was contrary on placing the usual 'blurb' on the back cover until the very end but a couple of days before the conclusion of the revision I changed my mind and added an 'unusual blurb' (at least it is unusual). Secondly I did check the limits provided by margins without the proper attention as this text went beyond the margin by nearly 1 millimeter... With this situation yesterday I was forced to amend the cover and set the text within the margins with more precision and submit a second time the cover. ...this simply means that I burned the opportunity to publish the books this year... Maybe I am negative and somehow I will manage to do it but given the moment and the bad karma it is better to think is such a way.

This small post to share my sadness for this event and the delay due to my inaccuracy. This is a lesson learnt for sure!

I still hope to get an anticipated gift from Santa and be in the position to publish the books in 2022 but this is simply an optimistic sense with not real evidences!

Delay or not, I am really looking forward to kick everything off and start the Playtest!


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