Done! My beloved game is up on sale on DriveThru!

Well, I can say that my first stop of my journey has come to a destination! Yesterday evening I got a message from DriveThruRPG that all my titles are up and running!

For a quick reference of all what is on sale, you can easily have an overview on my Products page.

I listed basically 5 books for the playtest:

  1. the core rules
  2. the animal roster 'Ferae'
  3. the PC notebook (an evolved char sheet)
  4. the GM notebook (the PC sheet for the GM, veeeery KUP!)
  5. the NPC roster 'Personae'
For each of them there is a digital and a printed version, in particular every digital version (but the core rules) are 'pay what you want' (PWYW). 

With ref to the Core Rules, it is important to stress out that the printed version (hardback, A5 size) has approx 30 pages more than the digital version: in that book I added some (hopefully) useful design notes.

Now, I will start my communication on the web, mainly on the most relevant forums and communities. I will use this simple banner to redirect any potential interested fellow:


The next step will also be the definition of the playtest rules & rewards...


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