§ Products §

Products available for sale on DriveThruRPG (links reported for each product)

CORE RULES ~ A complete ruleset useful to run the game. In the printed version comments on desinging are added.

Printed book, A5 hardcover, 216 pages

Digital book, pdf, 182 pages

PC NOTEBOOK ~ A small booklet which replaces the ‘usual’ 1-page character sheet: in here the player can save and record any relevant info for his PC.

Printed book, A5 softback, 24 pages

Digital book, pdf, 24 pages

GM NOTEBOOK ~ Similarly to PC Notebook, this small booklet supports the GM by providing him with a tool to manage his campaign and the KUP game model.

Printed book, A5 softback, 36 pages

Digital book, pdf, 36 pages

PERSONÆ (NPCs ROSTER) ~ A handful booklet where the GM can save a complete set of information for every NPC of his campaign, built in order to grant consistency of play.

Printed book, A5 softback, 42 pages

Digital book, pdf, 42 pages

FERÆ (ANIMAL ROSTER) ~ A sourcebook with both description and guidelines to create unique animals to populate the campaign in line with the KUP game model.

Printed book, A5 hardback, 78 pages

Digital book, pdf, 78 pages

TOOL FOR PRE-GENERATED CHARACTERS ~ An Excel spreadsheet useful to create up to 8 characters for the VI·VIII·X KUP RPG.

Excel file for PreGenCharacters

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