"Meta-intelligence" from a mere reccomendation to a possible revolution

It all starts from the reading of a nice book (not essential but a good reading) of an Italian RPG author about how to create and develop an RPG. In there I find a recommendation which, by the way, was already as one of my topics of the chapter "How to run the VI·VIII·X game". The recommendation, in a nutshell, is that the GM needs to be careful to manage the intelligence of the player who moves his PC and the intelligence of the PC himself (as a stat). This was focused in particular to those moment where this appears outstanding, like when a riddle has to be worked out.

I have this in mind since long time and I just wanted to treat this topic as a recommendation like I found in the book I read... However... for pure curiosity I posted this topic on the boards of ENworld, here:

RPG Theory - Intelligence and meta-intelligence

...and I am very surprised that this topic did not attract such an interest! In those boards there are tons of users, authors, bloggers, all the main personalities of the modern RPG industry. Two replies, or better, comments only! How is this possible?!?

Today I realized that this is another inconsistency of the traditional RPG... the players are asked either to act as a dumb PC when the player is clever (situation which could be even manageable but in any case very difficult) or to act as a clever PC when the player is dumb (I'd say impossible in terms of role-play). This inconsistency should then be fixed...

I will revise my core rules to see whether or not this situation could be another good point to add as a reason to play at VI·VIII·X KUP RPG rather than a traditional RPG. I already have an idea, I need to perform a complete revision of the rules to check if it can be applicable without further inconsistencies...

New work to add in the list of the project!


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