Brand: logo vs message?
A troubled question is waving in my mind since a couple of days... firstly it is necessary to explain the background: from a proofread I got a feedback that the acronym KUP is not technically correct.
"Keep uneducated players" has a different meaning than "Keep players uneducated": the difference is subtle but there is!
The expression "Keep uneducated players" refers to the GM's willingness to retain "uneducated" players and to ensure that others leave the game table by means of the game model. The other expression, "Keep players uneducated", means that the GM, thanks to the game model, is able to keep the players not completely "educated" and makes sure to preserve the "astonishment of ignorance" that I mentioned in an earlier post.
This situation makes me think that I should think marketing-wise: it is better for an english-speaking audience to keep a wrong expression but a nice logo and an easy-to-remind acronym or change them according to the true message I was looking to transfer to the readers?
That is really a hard problem and I can't fix it in a snap of my fingers: the wisest option so far is to keep everything as it is and let the time lead me to the best solution...
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